Friday, July 3, 2009


Date: 07.03.09
Time: 2:26am
Location: Home, Babe's house, Mom's shop, Costco, Extended Stay Hotel

Woke up yesterday at the sound of my cousins. They're so adorable. Played with them all afternoon. Babe came over after practice then left a bit later to go pick up his brother from school. I got ready and he went home to get ready as well. Afterwards, babe picked me up and we went to get him lunch. Then went to babe's house and basically crashed until it was time for him to go to school. Hahah. Came home and went with my sisters to my mom's shop, then headed to Costco to get things for July 4th. Came home and ate dinner. My mom did my nails and after she was done, babe picked me up and we went to Paul's hotel room. Jay's sister was having a telly on the same floor as Paul, so they decided to play a prank on her. Won't go into details, but Manuel played the pizza delivery guy while I recorded and the rest watched. Then Manuel made a phone call to the room about noises. Hahaha. We also watched a weird movie on tv. Love affair plus soft core sex scenes. Weirdd. Fell asleep for a bit and then right before we left, we left the pizza box outside Jay's sister's room. Now, I'm home. Can't wait until Saturday. :)

"Secrets are only secrets if you take them to your grave."

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