Monday, July 6, 2009


Date: 07.06.09
Time: 1:34am
Location: Home, Babe's house, Paul's Hotel

I woke up really really late yesterday. Probably around 6:30pm. Wasted the whole day basically. Babe came over and I got ready. Left around 9 to go pick up his brother. Then to his house where he ate and told his parents about what happened last night. Then, we headed to Paul's hotel. It was babe, Paul, Jay, and Gerry. Babe, Paul, and Gerry studied while Jay went on his laptop and I used Kevin's laptop. I fell asleep for a bit. Left around 1 and now I'm home. Pretty much a boring, useless day. It's okay, though. :)

"You'll never really know a person until at the very less second."

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