Monday, July 6, 2009


Date: 07.06.09
Time: 1:34am
Location: Home, Babe's house, Paul's Hotel

I woke up really really late yesterday. Probably around 6:30pm. Wasted the whole day basically. Babe came over and I got ready. Left around 9 to go pick up his brother. Then to his house where he ate and told his parents about what happened last night. Then, we headed to Paul's hotel. It was babe, Paul, Jay, and Gerry. Babe, Paul, and Gerry studied while Jay went on his laptop and I used Kevin's laptop. I fell asleep for a bit. Left around 1 and now I'm home. Pretty much a boring, useless day. It's okay, though. :)

"You'll never really know a person until at the very less second."

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Date: 07.05.09
Time: 4:38am
Location: San Rafael, Babe's home, Rhenell's old home, Paul's Hotel

Yesterday was the fourth of July and I was running on no ours a sleep. Got ready at 6, and we headed out at 8 to San Rafael. Got there, set up and sat around a bit before heading to the fairgrounds. When the fairgrounds opened, we did the transferring stamp thing. Worked successfully, but I didn't want to go in just yet, so I headed back to our bbq area and took a nap. After I woke up, went to the fairgrounds to hang out, except we had to stamp people in. Lord oh lord. "Girl in the brown shirt" got caught. Seriously, fat white security guard ain't got shit on me. I'm not just a short asian girl he can just pick on. He didn't get anything out of me. Grand theft and capital crime my ass. If it was that serious, he wouldn't need to talk to me. He would've arrested the "girl in the brown shirt." Because of that, we entered through the other side, but because it was too hot, I wanted to go back out. Security guards are so obvious, seriously, but whatever. It's all good. When we came out, we took another nap. Hahah. Woke up later on and went back in with my sisters and cousin. Waited in line for the longest time ever, but I guess it was worth it. Just a little bit. After that, we went back out, and started packing things away. Set up on the grass to watch the fireworks. Pretty amazing. Headed home without much traffic. Then, babe and I went to his house to hang out. The twins and Gabe came over, and we headed to Rhenell's. Everything to good .. like seriously. Everything was going fine, but stupid high school drop outs and their drama. Kevin and Paul didn't deserve any of that. No respect whatsoever to trying to pin everything on them. Seriously. There's a fine line between backing up your friends and straying away from the truth. That's it. Today was an overall good day, except for what happened at the end of the night. I will add a picture to this tomorrow. Too tired to get a camera. Later.

"The past is a stepping stone to the future."

Friday, July 3, 2009


Date: 07.03.09
Time: 2:26am
Location: Home, Babe's house, Mom's shop, Costco, Extended Stay Hotel

Woke up yesterday at the sound of my cousins. They're so adorable. Played with them all afternoon. Babe came over after practice then left a bit later to go pick up his brother from school. I got ready and he went home to get ready as well. Afterwards, babe picked me up and we went to get him lunch. Then went to babe's house and basically crashed until it was time for him to go to school. Hahah. Came home and went with my sisters to my mom's shop, then headed to Costco to get things for July 4th. Came home and ate dinner. My mom did my nails and after she was done, babe picked me up and we went to Paul's hotel room. Jay's sister was having a telly on the same floor as Paul, so they decided to play a prank on her. Won't go into details, but Manuel played the pizza delivery guy while I recorded and the rest watched. Then Manuel made a phone call to the room about noises. Hahaha. We also watched a weird movie on tv. Love affair plus soft core sex scenes. Weirdd. Fell asleep for a bit and then right before we left, we left the pizza box outside Jay's sister's room. Now, I'm home. Can't wait until Saturday. :)

"Secrets are only secrets if you take them to your grave."

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Date: 07.02.09
Time: 4:58am
Location: Chabot, Home, Walmart, Cousin's house, Joe's House

Ahkkk. I am totally lagging behind on blogging. Can't say I'm fully committed, yet. I just need to make this a habit I guess. Yesterday, 070109, school as usual. I was running on 3 hours of sleep because I stayed up to watch SNSD bora on ChinChin. Hahaha. I swear I am going to crash horribly, soon. No school today, so I'm not worried about sleeping right now. After class, babe and I knocked out at my house. Like literally knocked out. Usually, we'd get something to eat first, then go home and sleep, but once we got to my house, we instantly fell asleep. Babe got up at 5 to go to practice while I started playing around with the cable that connected my laptop to the tv. Haha. So much better except for that fact that I still have to sit next to my laptop. Totally not worth the hassle unless you want to watch an online drama. OMG. That just gave me an idea. I can watch movies tomorrow. Hahaha. Well, around 7 went to pick up Albert from XC practice. Then, we headed to Walmart to get the plug that allows audio from my laptop to transmit to the tv. No point in viewing images when you can't hear them, right? Then to Borders so the twins can get a job application. After that, went to Bac Chau's house because Vietnam people came over. Beat my dad in the hockey game and won $5. Sat and talked with sisters, Diana, and Michelle for a while before we left. Around 11, went home, and babe picked me up. Went to his house to get the XBox and comedy dvd. Went to Joe's house to play Zombies and they watched the comedy dvd while I took a nap. Left Joe's house around 3. Now, it's 5am, and I'm wide awake. Lots of things to do tomorrow. Already have 4th of July planned out. It's going to be superfantastic. :)

"No pain, no gain."

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Date: 07.01.09
Time: 2:19am
Location: Chabot, Babe's home, home, Walmart, Bestbuys

There it is: the must see photo. How adorable. Hahaha. A little late on the blogging, but can't help it. Yesterday, 06.30.09, started school as usual. Class was not interesting at all. The only good I got out of class today was that we have no class on Thursday. So, today, will be my last class of the week. Then, it will be Independence Day weekend. Woohoo. Anyway, after class, went to babe's house to eat. We played Nazi Zombies at first then we watched Black Hawk Down. Loveeee that movie. War movies make me sad, but the story line, effects, and everything about it was so great. I can't believe I didn't watch this earlier. Anyway, at 5, babe left for practice. Didn't really do anything at home except sang. Yes yes, getting my vocals some exercise. Hahaha. Picked up brother at 7. Afterwards, went to Walmart to return the cable to connect the laptop to the TV, and went to Bestbuys to see if we can find the right now. Can you say 'expensive'? Crazy. Went back to walmart to check, again, and found it. Came home to check it out to see if it'll work, and it did. The sad part is that the audio isn't connected, so we will returnt to Walmart to get a seperate cable for that. After dinner, watched Princess Ja Myung. Love that drama and I am anticipating for the next episode, which isn't until next Monday. :( After babe got out of class, he picked me up, and we went to his house to eat hot wings. Then to Paul's and fell asleep there. Now, I'm home. I almost forgot to blog today. Stupid, lazy me. Well, until next time.

"A man's word cannot be taken as his heart."